About Us

We are here to help grow side by side.​

Welcome to Dot n Line Multiventures LLP, a dynamic company that excels in multiple domains. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional services in Nursing, Medical Research & Trainings, and Export Business. With our unwavering commitment to excellence, we strive to make a positive impact in each field we venture into.


In the realm of Nursing Services, we provide comprehensive and compassionate care, ensuring the well-being of individuals in need. Our Medical Research division focuses on advancing scientific knowledge, conducting groundbreaking studies, and contributing to the betterment of healthcare.

With our Medical Trainings, we equip aspiring professionals with the skills and expertise required to excel in this rapidly evolving industry. Moreover, our Export Business brings quality products to international markets, connecting businesses and customers worldwide.

At Dot n Line Multiventures LLP, we embrace innovation, integrity, and collaboration. Join us on this transformative journey as we redefine excellence in multiple spheres.

Our Ventures


Awadh Nursing Care Services is a Nursing Care providing firm working in the state of Uttar Pradesh and periphery. It provide high standard Medical Nurses and General Duty Attendants to the patient at the comfort of their Home.

Dot n Line International Institute of Allied Health Sciences

Dot n Line International Institute is a Paramedical Institute providing state of art diploma and certificate courses for Medical Aspirants.

Dot n Line Export Co.

DOT N LINE EXPORT CO. is an Export venture of DNL under which Indian made highly demanding products like Lucknowi Chikan Kari Clothing are been exported from India to destinations like UAE, Europe, and beyond.

Founder & Head of School

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Tortor platea nunc lorem morbi pellentesque sed enim viverra venenatis, sem pellentesque massa nunc quis lectus.

Yolanda Jenkins


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We are here to help parents sed nulla gravida ipsum aliquam consectetur neque odio turpis fringilla pretium bibendum commodo.
Meet the teachers

Experts in giving your children best start

Ella Stark

Lead teacher and 1-2 year olds

Harriet Bailey

Teacher: 2-3 year olds

Melinda Schiller

Teacher: 3-4 year olds

What parent say
Faucibus nulla tincidunt sagittis faucibus proin habitasse nunc erat sed nisi non pulvinar at ante diam nulla tincidunt lectus maecenas penatibus nam suspendisse cursus risus, ac nibh suspendisse
Ramona Altenwerth

More than just a company

Its a Family